What is a Deposition in an Premises Liability Case?

There are many different phases to a premises liability case in Indiana or filed elsewhere. These include the actual filing of the case, discovery, depositions, the trial itself, and any settlement negotiations. Your lawyer should walk you through each possible aspect of the case even in the event that you might be able to resolve things early and outside of court through settlement negotiations.

Understanding the Role of Deposition in Premises Claims

One common aspect of Indiana premises liability cases is known as a deposition. This is when critical stakeholders involved in the case are asked to provide their own version of events and to answer questions provided by the other side's legal representation.

This can be a nerve-wracking concept for a person who has already suffered in an accident and who believes that the fact of the case is obvious in and of themselves. However, it is important to be thoroughly prepared for the deposition process and to present as compelling a case as possible during these early stages of the case. The information that you provide in a deposition as well as the information gleaned during the discovery process can be used by your premises liability lawyer to explain to you what to anticipate and your best options for resolution going forward.

What Role Does a Lawyer Play in Your Legal Claim?

A premises liability attorney, like Jeff Shaw, will use these details to assist you with all aspects of your claim so that your questions are answered in a prompt manner. A deposition can be extremely difficult for someone who wants to choose their words carefully and someone who does not want to feel as though they have been forced into providing a particular answer regarding the accident.

Your attorney should schedule a practice deposition with you so that you feel confident about how the process will work and prepare it for possible questions. In all cases, it is not about learning a particular answer to a question but rather feeling confident in the circumstance to provide the truth to the other side. Depending on the success of the deposition, you might be able to move to the settlement negotiation table sooner rather than later.

Being hurt in a premises liability accident is overwhelming for the victim or for any family members who have had to come together to file a lawsuit on behalf of a person who is killed in a premises liability accident. Empowering yourself with the experienced representation like that provided by Jeff Shaw is one of the most important things you can do to protect your future and to enable you to get maximum compensation whether in settlement or in litigation. Putting your case in the hands of a lawyer who cares about you and your family can make a world of difference.

At Shaw Law, it is our goal to get you back on your feet as soon as is reasonably possible, so we let you focus on your care while we handle your legal case aspects.
