Swimming Pool Deck
Swimming pools can be dangerous places. Some swimming pools have unsafe walking areas, filled with water that unnaturally accumulates in a manner that puts patrons in harms way.
Other swimming pool areas can leak out into hallways and other places that unsuspecting visitors can slip and fall on the water.
Hotels and motels are not the only places that must exercise reasonable care with regard to swimming areas.
Apartment complexes and hotels/motels/resorts are familiar sites for swimming pools.
Additionally, Airbnb and other rental vacations home sites are becoming more and more popular. These landowners also owe their renters the duty to exercise reasonable care to make certain the swimming pool areas, including decks and patio boards are not rotting, unstable or unsafe.
A poor deck construction issue may not be known to the owner of the home immediately, but he or she is responsible for maintaining a relatively safe environment for those invited on the property and on the property legally. This includes the duty to make reasonably inspections of the deck on a timely, periodic basis.
An Indiana swimming pool deck slip and fall injury attorney is the first person who should be called after you have been critically hurt on someone else's property. It can be a shock to realize that you have sustained injuries that may be the fault of another person improperly maintaining their property.
At Shaw Law, we know the common tactics that can present problems in an injury claim while hurt on someone else’s pool property. We’ll gather the evidence you need to fight for compensation for those injuries so that you can get back on your feet.
Although swimming pools are common locations for slip and fall injuries and injuries overall, it should not be the responsibility of the person visiting the property to be aware of every possible issue. It is the property owner or manager's responsibility to verify that the risks associated with swimming pool injuries have been minimized as much as possible.
This can include the installation of a deck or fence, verifying that there are slip resistant materials used to construct the deck and regularly reviewing these items to determine whether or not issues have emerged that could present significant challenges for people on the property.
When an injury occurs and someone is catastrophically hurt because of a swimming pool deck that should have been constructed differently or should have included warning signs about the risks, this can lead to a premises liability lawsuit. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured because of a premises liability case associated with a swimming pool deck, you need to take action immediately. You only have a limited period of time in which to pursue a personal injury claim and the support of a lawyer is necessary to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation for the injuries.
Being seen by a doctor is a must if you have been hurt on someone's swimming pool deck. Do not minimize the potential for serious injuries including paralysis or traumatic brain injuries. Often these injuries are invisible to the naked eye and can only be pinpointed with the help of an experienced physician. A physician will be able to tell you more about the likely treatment options associated with your injury, but in all of these cases they can be overwhelming if you do not have the dedication of a lawyer on your side.
A lawyer can serve many different roles in your case including the collection of evidence and analyzing the strength of your case for settlement opportunities. Your attorney might be able to resolve your case outside of court, but should also be prepared to bring all aspects of your claim through litigation as well.
Call or Text Shaw Law at (260) 777-7777. We have 30+ years of experience in all types of premises liability negligence cases.