$500,000 Verdict in Kokomo

$500,000 Verdict in Kokomo for Woman Slip and Fall in Domino's Pizza Restaurant on Water (Reduced to $375,000)

A woman had ordered a pizza and had gone to her local Dominos in Kokomo to pick it up.

When she got to the counter, she noticed she had forgotten her money to pay. She went back out to her car and returned through the doorway, where she fell on a puddle of water.

She suffered a (Torn Rotator Cuff) shoulder injury which necessitated surgery.

The defense argued that she should have noticed the puddle the first time she went outside or that the puddle was brought in by her on her return trip.

Attorney Jeff Shaw was able to secure internal company documents that showed the company had not followed simple maintenance procedures nor created an incident report following the fall.

Jeff Shaw was able to investigate and bring an expert witness into Court from Louisville, Kentucky, who testified the owner's handling of the routine maintenance of the pizza store was faulty and the lack of an incident report showed a lack of caring about preventing future injuries from slip and falls.

The jury found the Dominos at fault and awarded $500,000 (minus 25% fault on the plaintiff).

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These case examples and results are for information purposes only. The content of the newspaper articles is the responsibility of those publications alone. Past results cannot guarantee future performance in your case. The results in any of the particular cases listed above do not constitute a promise, representation, or guarantee that your case will be resolved or resolved favorably or similarly. Each case is different. Each case has a different set of facts. The laws in each jurisdiction are different, including local counties in Indiana. Consequently, results will be unique in every lawsuit or claim. Shaw Law expressly denies and does not guarantee the outcome of any case or claim.
